Tuesday, October 28, 2008


i loe my mondays with papa

mom and dad went to hollerween! the best paty of the year, but of course mom got sick before it and convinced herself she was better so she could go and well, as you can guess, she got even sicker cause of it. anyhow...i was pretty good for gramma while they were out...at first mom said she was fire, but as the night went on, she kept asking people "am i still smokin hot" cause she was worried her smoke plume fell off her head...papa was a redneck hippie pimp...

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Gramma is here!

I am so happy and smiley in my jumpy chair, it is by far my favrite toy! (These are really the first pictures in my whole life that I have truely smiled for...mom s very excited)

yummy--peas and rice cereal!!

I love this outfit my friend Katie Shervish gave me!! C-A-T-S!

my buddy Jay--and my first lesson on sharing

This week Gramma has come to visit, and thank goodness...mom ended up getting sick, fever and all, but thank gooness it was only a 24 hour bug. it has been cold in the morning, but then really nice out during the day. we have been having a good time...here are some pics.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

my first "real" hike!

today was a quintessential colorado fall day--it was beautiful! we woke up early (mainly cause I would not sleep in like mom and dad woul dhave hoped)--so we went to get breakfast at lucilles...had a nice bike ride there, came home, took a little nap and then decided we would go hiking up in lory state park. So we chose the Arthur's Rock hike, which is only about 3 or so miles round trip--but it is pretty much straight up. So the hike was just gorgeous with all the fall colors--so much so, we forgot all about snakes...that is until papa hit a rattler with his treking pole on the side of the trail...it wound up like a kazoo making all kinds of noise...papa and i jumped 3feet into the air, no joke and over ot hte side...mama yelled some sort of obsenity, and thank goodness jack and daisy were oblivious...so mama and the dogs walked way around and onward we went to the summit...i was such a good hiker..i took a nap on the way up and way back and otherwise just bounced around and talked about everything we were seeing--it was a great day!
going to breakfast
the hike beginszoom in on this trail pic at the rock and see the snake
the summit!

Friday, October 17, 2008

lots going on

so...mom and dad know it is a fluke, but i keep on saying it, well 3 times at least..i have said "hello" very sweetly...we all know it is too early for me to talk, but i make this noise that sounds just like hello, right after they say hello to me...i am still being stubborn about rolling over...and even more stubborn about taking a bottle...i hate the bottle. i have been loving me some big boy food though, especially now that i have my own high chair. dad got mom's drum fixed for her birthday, so now we can bang on it together...oh what fun that will be when i get a little older...well, in my own words "hello" everyone...

Saturday, October 11, 2008

i am getting soo big!

i am soo long!
mr. serious or mr. gq
i figured this out right away!
yum, water!
so, the rice cereal did not agee with me...i grunted for days with minimal poop...so mom tried to stop giving it to me, and i did a little better, but still did not poop, so this morning she gave me a few bites of baby sweet potatoes--did I love those--super yummy....and then this afternoon, she let me drink water out of a sippy cup--i am a regular pro--nto sure which did it, but finally a pooh!! so we are oing to wait to have more rice cereal until Oct 20, at least, the I will officially be 5 months old (starting my 6th month).

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

my first tie-dye

hi there--so gramb and mom and i went to the farmers market and this old hippie guy was selling really cute little baby tie-dyes...i had to have one...then the next day we went to this little cafe and met the baby mamas...it was fun. gramb also brought a sweet little halloween onesie for me, it is my new favorite. fall has come to colorado and it is sooo nice. there are no pics, but we had our block party this weekend, and i loved the bluegrass band, litterally, i could not keep my eyes off of them...it was very fun! we were sad to see gramb go, she was a big help and so much fun...