Saturday, January 22, 2011

Music Class

I love music and i love music class. All week I have been practicing my ABCs so that I could sing them in front of everyone. Mama was so proud. I love playing the drums the best. I am going potty all the time all by myself and even am trying to wipe my own buns. the other day I was at my friend tessa's house and I put on her green and pink bathrobe and came downstairs and everyone was laughing saying alls i needed was an ascot and i could go to any lounge in i took their cue and told them i was dressed up to take tessa on a date. she ran out of her room behind me buck naked, so i yelled at her to put some clothes on. mama was laughing so hard i thought she might fall over. we had a really nice visit with nana when she came out last weekend. she hung out with me all day thurs and fri cause franny was sick too. well, life is good here. i keep telling papa to take me skiing, so i am hoping he just might, but mama says we need to wait until i am three.