Tuesday, June 23, 2009

the pool was fun and so was the storm, kinda

we went to the pool cause mama and papa thought i was feeling better--the waterslides were awesome, we all went down them, even nana did. i ate some dinner and when we got home mama took my temp and it was up to 104.5, so she dosed me up with some ibprofin and her and papa took me to urgent care, by then my temp had dropped and they could not find anything wrong except fever...guess i am fightin off something funky. i finally calmed down and went to sleep and they stayed up and watched the crazy electircal storm that hit fort collins...and around 10 they woke me up to go to the basement cause there wa sa tornado warning...watching the storm was cool, but being in it, not so cool. no tornados hit. nana and uncle pete left and i am sad, i was a pretty cranky guy for their last 2 days here and feel pretty bad about it....but it was good to see them and we were happy they came!

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