I am now 9lbs 12oz and 23 3/4 inches lonng--dad calls me the ectomorph, long nad lean. i was not putting on weight, but thats cause i was busy getting so dang long. here are some new pics, we are all doing great!
Well, GramB and GramC left and then on the same day Gramma came--how exciting. We hav ebeen having a good visit. I am growing a lot, so crying and eating a ton. Mom and dad have started giving me some formula cause mom's milk cannot keep up with my hunger demands...plus mom got mastitis, a breast infection, so her left one needs a little recovering, she was nto feeling good for a little while but is doing better now-- we are all doing great. Mom has had tons of help and cannot thank her parents and dad's mom for helping out and letting her get some rest. I am loving my daily massages and tummy time, I can flip my head from side to side on my belly and lift it up all by myself. Today mom got out the jungle jim, even though it is for 3 month olds, i still like it--but most of all I like to eat, often and a lot, and then I like to sleep, but really only if I am being held, or cuddling--I do not like sleeping by myself yet. Well, until next time mom has a free hand--love to all!
sorry we have not written in so long, it has been a great week with the grandparent's visiting and Gramma shows up tomorrow. We are doing good--I have my days and nights mixed up quite a bit--but GramB has the magic touch and can get me to sleep anywhere, and I like taking naps with Gramp-C too. I have been getting out a lot--we went to the Taste of Ft. Collins, to see my dad at work, took some walks...it has been nice. The Dr told mom to go on bedrest for a few days to try and make more milk for me cause I was getting a little dehydrated--but we are all doing great!!
sorry it has been a few days, i am going through a growth spurt and eating all the time, not leaving mo much time for anything, except for my daily massage in the sunlight--see first pic. we have been the park and i met jay, my parent's friends little boy, born only 1 day ahead of me...and i love sporting my uk gear from the brown's--thanks!!
We have found that my tummy is very sensitive right now, so mom is cutting out most everything that we have found makes me fussy, which seems to be just about everything (Dairy, Wheat, Tomatoes, Garlic, Onions or Beans) ...but hopefully we can slowly reintroduce these foods to me in the next few weeks cause I know mom will go crazy if she cannot have ice cream again for a year. We went for a drive up the canyon today to look at hte river and stopped off for a short little walk...it was very nice!
uncle mike h sent me the coolest shoes and i love them....i just don't like things on my feet all that much right now, but I wore the shoes out and I knew that I was very stylish. I am trying out my swing. I like it at first, then hate it and then like it again,...I think I am just trying to get used to anything that is not mom or dad right now, jack likes to watch over me in it....life is good.
i went to the dr yesterday and i weighed 8lbs 4oz and grew a whole inch to be 21.5 inches long now--i am doing great. i am feeding better and mom's milk is coming in more, which is nice. i am sitting here on her lap wide awake watching her type. i am starting to find a few calm moments in the day, but mostly, i am only calm when i eat or sleep--otherwise, i am acting like i want to eat--by chewing my hand and kicking a lot. i rolled all the way over yesterday, the dr said it was just a fluke, but mom thinks i am really just that smart and strong. well, gotta run.
I am sad that my dad is going back to work today, I have loved lounging and napping with him so much. mom is a little worried about trying to do it all on her own, but women do it all the time dad and i keep telling her. i am becoming more alert and staying up during the day more, which means, yes, I have started to sleep some at night finally--hear the big sigh from mom in the background.
i have had a busy couple of days, last night i went on my first outing to my parents friends chad's wedding reception...we only stayed for a few minutes cause mom started freaking out about people and germs, but it swas still fun, even though i slept th ewhole time...then today we went to he park with the dogs. mom could not go very far cause she is still healing but we watced the pups run in the baseball field and sat under a nice tree while dad walked the dogs a little further. now i am sleeping again with papa. life is good.